Saturday, March 26, 2011

Have you ever felt like your brain was leaking out your ears?

MissE- Or like your knees were shaking so much you might just keel over like a penguin on safari?
Lucy-Penguin on safari? I felt more like a kitten on Broadway!
MissE- *looks at Lucy* Really?  Freak.   There is something about performing that puts your brain into such a hyper drive that it feels like its going through a tea strainer.   
Lucy- And apparently brains going through tea strainers drop clubs quite a lot. 
MissE- * Accusatory look*   APPARENTLY kittens on Broadway drop rings a lot.  
Lucy- *Disgusted look* Anyway, what were we talking about? 
MissE- I don't even know anymore.   But in the last post we were talking about our audition for the STARS OF TOMORROW Talent show.   AND HERE! *Drum roll please*  Is the performance...

-Miss Edith & Lucy 

Monday, February 28, 2011


Deeeeeepppppp calming yoga breaths.... iiinnnn oouuutttt * Hyperventilation* 
We'll be fine, we'll be fine!
*jumps up and down*
YogabreathyogabreathyogaAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!  We can't be next!  We aren't reaaadddyy!  *Screamcry*
Oh, yes we are! 
*Scrambles frantically on stage, puts CD in CD player... CD player doesn't work.... Heart rate increases....*
*wait....wait...wait....SOUND! EUREKA!*
AAAaAAAANd, our audition for the "Stars of Tomorrow" Talent show was OFF!  
....And then the juggling ring was off...the stage... crap.  
Although I must say that was YOUR fault.  
YOU didn't catch it! 
Aaaaah, well, it was fine up till your ring made a sudden break for freedom....  And my clubs got tangled up... 
But all in all, our opening with club passing and various other club tricks went very well without any major catastrophes.
If we get in, we'll put up a video of our performance....unless it ends in tears.  
But that's if we get in...the judges were rather stony faced the entire time...
Shush!  don't jinx us! 
-Miss Edith & Lucy 

Sunday, November 28, 2010

In a nutshell:

We are the people who you look at like we've COMPLETELY lost our minds!
Because we have?
Well...not exactly-
It's just because we love to knock peoples socks off and STRAIGHT into the washer! And one of our favorite ways to do that-
-is to start juggling at unexpected places and at unexpected times!
We want to make people smile, and maybe add some color to their day.

We will share our-
Don't say "share" it sounds too touchy-feely.
We will depict our lives, juggling, and whatever odd and peculiar spices we want to throw into the wok* of our blog.

*"Wok" Small Chinese pan.
It's not a SMALL Chinese pan. Stupid.
Well what is it then?
Its a LARGE Chinese pan... Used for frying things.

-Miss Edith & Lucy